Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What about the comics?

Many talk to me about the future of the comic strip. They have legitimate  concerns with newspapers dying off because of the Internet.

So what will become of the comic strip? I do not know. As big papers do die off, the smaller local community papers are having success. Not all but some. In the future maybe that is where the comic strip might still be seen. It would then become a home product in that many papers will then have their own local cartoonist. 

The Internet will still be a place to go for the funnies, the trick is to make money at it for the cartoonist. The web is flooded with many great comic strips, but few make the cartoonist any bucks. 

In someways the newspaper industry needs to reinvent itself. I think the newspapers need to take a step outside of themselves and be looking in instead of being on the inside trying to figure it out. Sometimes in life we get to close to the problem that we can't see how to fix it. If you press your nose to the mirror all you will see is the bridge of your nose and your eyes, but if you step back you can see much more. The newspaper industry needs to do this I think.

So what can they do? I will list some ideas. 
1. They need to figure out how to get new younger readers. To do this I think maybe the newspapers should offer things at the high school and college level. They could show up at campuses talk to students about the newspaper, sit with them and find out from them what would make them want to start reading a newspaper instead of always going to the Internet. They could also sell them on the fact that newspapers  research their stories and therefore are more reliable.

2. Newspapers need to start listening to their readers.  when I try to sell my comic strip to newspapers many times they will say, I just don't have room. But, they make sure that they have room for their articles that they like to write. Point being, readers love the comics, and only like what the newspapers write about. Readers like The sports page, the crosswords and comics. These are the top three reasons why people read the newspaper. Crossword being #1

3. The newspapers also need to go back to reporting the news, not their bias opinion of the news. This just isolates readers. Do more stories on people, places and things in their own communities.

4. I think that maybe if they went back to having paperboys/girls would help too. They could be the ones going door to door and signing people up. They would not have to handle money anymore, let the newspapers handle the billing. The paperboy/girl would just be responsible for getting new subscribers and then delivery. Maybe we would get the newspaper placed closer to our house than down in the gutter! Neighborhoods would love to help support the young man or woman who is out trying to earn some money. It also teaches kids a work ethic. 

Enough of my rant. Thanks for reading. Bud

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