Saturday, March 17, 2012

Gas prices

For those of us who live on the outskirts of town, we usally have to drive further to get where we need to go. Many politicians live far away too.  Oh yeah, they are wealthy, and they get the free tax payer ride. So much can be said about all this. Here is an idea, why not start yet another reality tv show (sigh) where a politician has to live with an American family for two weeks. Not a well to do family, but your regular Joe. Paul Politician would have to live and see what it is like to go without. Sorry, we cannot go out to dinner, we have to put gas in our car. Paul can watch the married couples fight over which bill should be paid. Paul and the like just have no clue what the American family is going through right now. To make matters worse they turn a blind eye to the raising gas prices. I guess I would not care much either if I had a tax payer credit card.  The other day on tv John Stossell said that the price of gas at over $4.00 a gallon is a good deal. He went on to back up his claim by saying that it cost the gas companies lots and lots of money to give us gasoline.  He did not mention that the gas companies are making record profits. Also on the news I heard a politician say that if we were just self sufficient we would have gas down to $2.00 a gallon. Not complaining about that, but with all that is going on, we were at $2.00 a gallon two years ago. In December of 2001 gas went down to 1.00 a gallon. So I ask what has changed? Some will say it is the demand, ok, but in USA the demand is down and our supply is high!! Gas should be going down not up. One lady said to me "You Republicans don'yt want the goverment interfeaing with your lives, but now when it affects you, you think it is ok" I let her know that yes, as a conservative I do not want big daddy involved in my life. Mainly take away rights that I have. But when there are those who have a monopoly on gas... and because of that they can hurt us as a nation, and as individules finacially yes, that is what the Government is for. To protect our nation.

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